

Related Docs: object VSDClient | package vsdclient

class VSDClient extends AnyRef

Class representing an authenticated session with the VSD. Once successfully created, all operations on the VSD can be performed by accessing methods of this class

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. VSDClient
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addLink(object1: VSDURL, object2: VSDURL): Future[VSDLink]

    Creates a link between 2 VSD objects

  5. def addObjectToFolder(obj: VSDURL, folder: VSDFolder): Future[VSDFolder]

    Adds a VSD object to an existing folder

    Adds a VSD object to an existing folder


    the updated information of the folder

  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  7. val authChannel: spray.client.pipelining.WithTransformerConcatenation[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]]

  8. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  9. def createFolder(name: String, parentFolder: VSDURL): Future[VSDFolder]

    Creates a folder with the given name under the indicated parent folder

  10. def createObjectOntologyItemRelation(objectURL: VSDURL, ontologyItemURL: VSDURL): Future[VSDObjectOntologyItem]

    Creates an association between a VSD Object (be it validated or not), with an ontology item.

    Creates an association between a VSD Object (be it validated or not), with an ontology item. In normal words, this allows to say that the object depicts a certain organ.


    url of the object


    url of the ontology item


  11. def deleteFolder(url: VSDURL): Future[Try[Unit]]

    Deletes the indicated folder from the VSD

  12. def deleteLink(url: VSDURL): Future[Try[Unit]]

    Deletes an existing link

  13. def deleteUnpublishedVSDObject(url: VSDURL): Future[Try[Unit]]

    Deletes the indicated unpublished object from the VSD

  14. def downloadFile(url: VSDURL, downloadDir: File, fileName: String): Future[File]

    Downloads a file from the VSD given its downloadURL.

  15. def downloadFolder(folder: VSDFolder, destination: File): Future[Seq[(VSDCommonObjectInfo, File)]]

    Downloads the content of the folder to the indicated File destination.

    Downloads the content of the folder to the indicated File destination. If the destination folder already exists in the file system, the function will abort, in order to avoid overwriting existing data. In case the VSD folder contains sub-folders, this call will result in a recursion


    List of downloaded VSDObjectInfos along with their corresponding File.

    The downloaded files are first stored in a temporary directory, and only on success of all files moved to the indicated destination.

  16. def downloadVSDObject(url: VSDURL, downloadDir: File): Future[File]

    Downloads the indicated VSD object into the indicated directory.

    Downloads the indicated VSD object into the indicated directory. Objects downloaded from the VSD are always shipped as Zip files

  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  18. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  20. def findOntologyItemsContaining(string: String): Future[IndexedSeq[VSDOntologyItem]]

    Returns a list of ontology items containing the given string

  21. def getAnatomicalSide(objUrl: VSDURL): Future[Option[String]]

    Returns a string indicating the anatomical side of the VSDObject.

    Returns a string indicating the anatomical side of the VSDObject. Possible values : Right, Left, None if the object is unique

  22. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def getFolderFromPath(path: String): Future[Option[VSDFolder]]

    Returns a VSDFolder given its hierarchical path (if it exists, None otherwise)

  24. def getFolderInfo(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDFolder]

    Gets information of a given folder

  25. def getFolderPath(url: VSDURL): Future[String]

    Returns a String representing the hierarchical path to the indicated folder

  26. def getLinkInfo(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDLink]

    Gets link information

  27. def getModality(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDModality]

    Get a specific modality

  28. def getObjectGroupRight(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDObjectGroupRight]

    Returns the details of an object group right relation, given its url

  29. def getObjectOntologyItem(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDObjectOntologyItem]

    Gets object ontology item relation

  30. def getObjectUserRight(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDObjectUserRight]

    Returns the details of an object user right relation, given its url

  31. def getOntologyItemInfo(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDOntologyItem]

    Returns details of an ontonolgy item

  32. def getUserInfo(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDUser]

    Gets user information

  33. def getVSDObjectInfo[A <: VSDObjectInfo](url: VSDURL)(implicit arg0: RootJsonFormat[A]): Future[A]

    Retrieves information about the indicated object

    Retrieves information about the indicated object


    expected type of Object information to be retrieved.Depending on the type of the object, this might be a VSDCommonObjectInfo, VSDRawImageObjectInfo, VSDSegmentationObjectInfo, etc ..

    For Java users, this method requires indicating one additional parameter (instead of the type parameter) that is the protocol for JSON serialization/deserialization of the expected returned information. This protocol variable can be found in the VSDJson object. For example, VSDJson.VSDCommonObjectInfoProtocol is the required formatter for VSDCommonObjectInfo information.


    object's identifying URL

  34. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  36. def listFolders(nbRetrialsPerPage: Int = 3): Future[Array[VSDFolder]]

    Lists folders on the VSD

  37. def listGroups(): Future[Array[VSDGroup]]

    Get a list of groups

  38. def listModalities(): Future[Array[VSDModality]]

    Lists modalities supported by the VSD

  39. def listOntologies(): Future[VSDOntologies]

    Lists the ontologies supported by the VSD.

    Lists the ontologies supported by the VSD. See VSDOntology for more details on ontologies

  40. def listOntologyItemsForType(typ: Int, nbRetrialsPerPage: Int = 3): Future[Array[VSDOntologyItem]]

    Lists the member items of a given ontology (identified by its type)

  41. def listPublishedObjects(nbRetrialsPerPage: Int = 3): Future[Array[VSDCommonObjectInfo]]

    returns the list of already validated objects

  42. def listSegmentationMethods(): Future[Array[VSDSegmentationMethod]]

    Lists supported segmentation method

  43. def listUnpublishedObjects(nbRetrialsPerPage: Int = 3): Future[Array[VSDCommonObjectInfo]]

    Lists uploaded but yet unvalidated VSD objects

  44. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  45. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  46. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  47. val objInfoChannel: spray.client.pipelining.WithTransformerConcatenation[HttpRequest, Future[VSDCommonObjectInfo]]

  48. def publishObject(url: VSDURL): Future[VSDCommonObjectInfo]

    Publishes (validates) an object

  49. def removeObjectFromFolder(obj: VSDURL, folder: VSDFolder): Future[VSDFolder]

    Removes a VSD object from an existing folder

    Removes a VSD object from an existing folder


    the updated information of the folder

  50. def sequentiallyDownloadObjects(urlList: Seq[VSDURL], destDirectory: File): Future[Seq[(VSDCommonObjectInfo, File)]]

    This method is intended as an alternative to Future.sequence(vsd.downloadVSDObject(..)).

    This method is intended as an alternative to Future.sequence(vsd.downloadVSDObject(..)). In better words, this takes a list of VSDURLs and download the corresponding objects ONE by ONE and stops at the first failure. In contrast, Future.sequence, would trigger all download Futures in parallel which might result in a too heavy load and eventually timeouts.


    list of downloaded objects informations and corresponding file.

  51. def setObjectGroupRights(obj: VSDURL, group: VSDURL, rights: Seq[VSDObjectRight]): Future[VSDObjectGroupRight]

    Sets group rights for a VSD object

    Sets group rights for a VSD object

    The rights are collection of the pre-defined objects : VSDNoneRight, VSDReadRight, VSDEditRight, VSDVisitRight,VSDManageRight,VSDDownloadRight, VSDOwnerRight

  52. def setObjectUserRights(obj: VSDURL, user: VSDURL, rights: Seq[VSDObjectRight]): Future[VSDObjectUserRight]

    Sets user rights for a VSD object

    Sets user rights for a VSD object

    The rights are collection of the pre-defined objects : VSDNoneRight, VSDReadRight, VSDEditRight, VSDVisitRight,VSDManageRight,VSDDownloadRight, VSDOwnerRight

  53. def shutdown(): Unit

    Properly shuts down the client

  54. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  55. implicit val system: ActorSystem

  56. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  57. def updateObjectOntologyItemRelation(relation: VSDObjectOntologyItem, objectInfo: VSDObjectInfo, ontologyItemURL: VSDURL): Future[VSDObjectOntologyItem]

    Updated an association between a VSD Object (be it validated or not), with an ontology item.

    Updated an association between a VSD Object (be it validated or not), with an ontology item. In normal words, this allows to say that the object depicts a certain organ.


    existing relation to be updated


    url of the ontology item


  58. def updateVSDObjectInfo[A <: VSDObjectInfo](info: A, nbRetrials: Int = 0)(implicit arg0: RootJsonFormat[A]): Future[Try[Unit]]

    Updates the information about a VSD object

    Updates the information about a VSD object


    expected type of Object information to be updated. Depending on the type of the object, this might be a VSDCommonObjectInfo, VSDRawImageObjectInfo, VSDSegmentationObjectInfo, etc ..

    For Java users, this method requires indicating one additional parameter (instead of the type parameter) that is the protocol for JSON serialization/deserialization of the expected returned information. This protocol variable can be found in the VSDJson object. For example, VSDJson.VSDCommonObjectInfoProtocol is the required formatter for VSDCommonObjectInfo information.


    object's already updated information

  59. def uploadDirectoryContent(subjDir: File): Future[Either[List[String], List[VSDURL]]]

    Uploads the indicated folder's content to the VSD, with a more summarized returned information on the success of the operation.

    Uploads the indicated folder's content to the VSD, with a more summarized returned information on the success of the operation. This method does NOT create a new folder on the VSD


    a Future containing either the list of VSD Object URLs created as a result of the upload, or the list of file names that failed to upload

  60. def uploadDirectoryContentDetailed(subjDir: File): Future[List[(String, Try[FileUploadResponse])]]

    Uploads the indicated folder's content to the VSD.

    Uploads the indicated folder's content to the VSD. This method does NOT create a new folder on the VSD


    a (future) collection indicating for each contained file, whether the upload succeeded or not

  61. def uploadFile(f: File, nbRetrials: Int = 0): Future[FileUploadResponse]

    Uploads a file to the VSD

    Uploads a file to the VSD


    the result of a file upload containing the generated VSD file URL along with to which object it belongs (URL) or an exception in case the send failed

  62. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  63. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  64. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
