
package common

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package interpolation

Type Members

  1. abstract case class AbstractScalarArray[S, U](rawData: Array[U]) extends ScalarArray[S] with Product with Serializable

    Basic implementation of ScalarArray, common to both primitive and value-class scalar arrays.

    Basic implementation of ScalarArray, common to both primitive and value-class scalar arrays.


    the type of the contained data.


    the type of the underlying contained raw data


    the actual raw data contained in the array

  2. trait BoxDomain[D] extends Domain[D]
  3. case class BoxDomain1D(origin: Point[_1D], oppositeCorner: Point[_1D]) extends BoxDomain[_1D] with Product with Serializable
  4. case class BoxDomain2D(origin: Point[_2D], oppositeCorner: Point[_2D]) extends BoxDomain[_2D] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class BoxDomain3D(origin: Point[_3D], oppositeCorner: Point[_3D]) extends BoxDomain[_3D] with Product with Serializable
  6. trait Cell extends AnyRef
  7. trait ComponentRepresentation[A] extends AnyRef

    Vectorizer linearize an object to and from an Array

  8. trait DifferentiableField[D, A] extends Field[D, A]
  9. trait DiscreteDomain[D] extends AnyRef
  10. class DiscreteField[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], A] extends PartialFunction[PointId, A]

    Defines a discrete set of values, where each associated to a point of the domain.

  11. trait DiscreteFieldWarp[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value] extends AnyRef
  12. trait Domain[D] extends AnyRef
  13. trait DomainWarp[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D]] extends AnyRef
  14. class EuclideanSpace[D] extends Domain[D]
  15. trait Field[D, A] extends (Point[D]) => A

    An image is simply a function from points to values, together with a domain on which the function is defined.

  16. trait PointGenerator[D] extends () => Point[D]
  17. final case class PointId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  18. trait PointSet[D] extends Equals
  19. final case class PointWithId[D](point: Point[D], id: PointId) extends Product with Serializable
  20. abstract class PrimitiveScalar[S <: AnyVal] extends Scalar[S]

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and of a primitive JVM type.

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and of a primitive JVM type.


    the (primitive) type of the actual scalar data.

  21. final class PrimitiveScalarArray[S <: AnyVal] extends AbstractScalarArray[S, S]

    A ScalarArray containing data of a native primitive data type.

    A ScalarArray containing data of a native primitive data type.


    the type of the contained data.

  22. trait Scalar[S] extends Any

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar (i.e., numeric).

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar (i.e., numeric).

    Note that while unsigned integral types (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong) are supported, some operations may be significantly slower than when using the built-in primitive (signed) data types. In other words, it may be worthwile to directly map the data to a signed type after reading, then working with the signed data.


    the type of the actual scalar data.

  23. sealed trait ScalarArray[S] extends IndexedSeq[S]

    Class representing an array of scalar data.

    Class representing an array of scalar data. Only a subset of the array and generic collections operations is supported, and the data should be treated as immutable. For instance, data values can be accessed by index, but not updated.


    the type of the contained data.

  24. trait Topology[D] extends AnyRef
  25. sealed abstract class UnstructuredPoints[D] extends PointSet[D]
  26. case class UnstructuredPoints1D extends UnstructuredPoints[_1D] with Product with Serializable
  27. case class UnstructuredPoints2D extends UnstructuredPoints[_2D] with Product with Serializable
  28. case class UnstructuredPoints3D extends UnstructuredPoints[_3D] with Product with Serializable
  29. case class UnstructuredPointsDomain[D](pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[D]) extends DiscreteDomain[D] with Product with Serializable
  30. abstract class ValueClassScalar[S <: AnyVal, U <: AnyVal] extends Scalar[S]

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and is using a value class to "wrap" the values of an underlying primitive type.

    Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and is using a value class to "wrap" the values of an underlying primitive type.


    the exposed (value class) type of the scalar data.


    the underlying (primitive) type of the actual stored values.

    See also

    Value Classes and Universal Traits

  31. final class ValueClassScalarArray[S <: AnyVal, U <: AnyVal] extends AbstractScalarArray[S, U]

    A ScalarArray containing data of a value class type, which can be mapped from/to an underlying primitive data type.

    A ScalarArray containing data of a value class type, which can be mapped from/to an underlying primitive data type.


    the type of the array's data


    the type of the underlying contained raw data

  32. trait Vectorizer[Value] extends AnyRef

Deprecated Type Members

  1. class RealSpace[D] extends Domain[D]

    (Since version v0.18) please use EuclideanSpace instead

Value Members

  1. object BoxDomain
  2. object ComponentRepresentation
  3. object DifferentiableField
  4. object DifferentiableField1D
  5. object DifferentiableField2D
  6. object DifferentiableField3D
  7. object DiscreteField
  8. object DiscreteField1D
  9. object DiscreteField2D
  10. object DiscreteField3D
  11. object Domain
  12. object EuclideanSpace
  13. object EuclideanSpace1D extends EuclideanSpace[_1D]
  14. object EuclideanSpace2D extends EuclideanSpace[_2D]
  15. object EuclideanSpace3D extends EuclideanSpace[_3D]
  16. object Field

    Utility functions to create and manipulate images

  17. object Field1D
  18. object Field2D
  19. object Field3D
  20. object RealSpace
  21. object Scalar
  22. object ScalarArray

    Factory for ScalarArray instances.

  23. object ScalarMeshField
  24. object UnstructuredPoints
  25. object UnstructuredPointsDomain extends Serializable
  26. object UnstructuredPointsDomain1D
  27. object UnstructuredPointsDomain2D
  28. object UnstructuredPointsDomain3D
  29. object ValueClassScalarArray extends Serializable

    Factory for ValueClassScalarArray instances.

  30. object Vectorizer
