



package kernels

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract case class BSplineKernel[D](order: Int, scale: Int) extends PDKernel[D] with Product with Serializable
  2. class BSplineKernel3D extends BSplineKernel[_3D]
  3. trait CreateBSplineKernel[D] extends AnyRef
  4. trait DiagonalKernel[D] extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D]
  5. class DiscreteMatrixValuedPDKernel[D] extends AnyRef

    Discrete representation of a MatrixValuedPDKernel.

    Discrete representation of a MatrixValuedPDKernel. Mathematically, it can be represented as a covariance matrix. However, it has more structure, i.e. its entry ij is a matrix. Furthermore, the class has the knowledge about its domain (the point on which it is defined).

  6. case class GaussianKernel[D](sigma: Double) extends PDKernel[D] with Product with Serializable
  7. abstract class MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] extends AnyRef
  8. case class MultiScaleKernel[D](kernel: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D], min: Int, max: Int, scale: (Int) => Double = i => scala.math.pow(2.0, -2.0 * i))(implicit evidence$6: NDSpace[D]) extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] with Product with Serializable
  9. abstract class PDKernel[D] extends AnyRef
  10. case class SampleCovarianceKernel[D](ts: IndexedSeq[Transformation[D]], cacheSizeHint: Int = 100000)(implicit evidence$1: NDSpace[D]) extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] with Product with Serializable
