



package statisticalmodel

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package asm
  2. package dataset

    Contains classes for handling datasets of registered meshes and building PCA model out of them.

    Contains classes for handling datasets of registered meshes and building PCA model out of them.

    The most important class of this package is the scalismo.statisticalmodel.dataset.DataCollection.

  3. package experimental

Type Members

  1. class DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D], Value] extends AnyRef

    A representation of a gaussian process, which is only defined on a discrete domain.

    A representation of a gaussian process, which is only defined on a discrete domain. While this is technically similar to a MultivariateNormalDistribution, we highlight with this class that we represent (discrete) functions, defined on the given domain.

  2. case class DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess[D, DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD], Value] extends DiscreteGaussianProcess[D, DDomain, Value] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a low-rank gaussian process, that is only defined at a finite, discrete set of points.

    Represents a low-rank gaussian process, that is only defined at a finite, discrete set of points. It supports the same operations as the LowRankGaussianProcess class, but always returns instead a discrete representation. Furthermore, most operations are much more efficient, as they are implemented using fast matrix/vector operations.

    Where the modeled functions in a LowRankGaussianProcess are of type Point[D]=>Vector[D], this discretized version is of type VectorPointData.

    It is possible to convert a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess to a LowRankGaussianProcess by calling the interpolation method.

    See also



  3. class GaussianProcess[D, Value] extends AnyRef

    A gaussian process from a D dimensional input space, whose input values are points, to a DO dimensional output space.

    A gaussian process from a D dimensional input space, whose input values are points, to a DO dimensional output space. The output space is a Euclidean vector space of dimensionality DO.


    The dimensionality of the input space

  4. class LowRankGaussianProcess[D, Value] extends GaussianProcess[D, Value]

    A gaussian process which is represented in terms of a (small) finite set of basis functions.

    A gaussian process which is represented in terms of a (small) finite set of basis functions. The basis functions are the orthonormal basis functions given by a mercers' decomposition.


    The dimensionality of the input space


    The output type

  5. case class MultivariateNormalDistribution(mean: DenseVector[Double], cov: DenseMatrix[Double]) extends MultivariateNormalDistributionLike[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] with Product with Serializable
  6. case class PointDistributionModel[D, DDomain[D] <: DiscreteDomain[D]] extends Product with Serializable

    A StatisticalMeshModel is isomorphic to a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.

    A StatisticalMeshModel is isomorphic to a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess. The difference is that while the DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess models defomation fields, the StatisticalMeshModel applies the deformation fields to a mesh, and warps the mesh with the deformation fields to produce a new mesh.

    See also


  7. case class StatisticalMeshModel extends Product with Serializable

    A StatisticalMeshModel is isomorphic to a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess.

    A StatisticalMeshModel is isomorphic to a DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess. The difference is that while the DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess models defomation fields, the StatisticalMeshModel applies the deformation fields to a mesh, and warps the mesh with the deformation fields to produce a new mesh.

    See also


Deprecated Type Members

  1. case class NDimensionalNormalDistribution[D](mean: EuclideanVector[D], cov: SquareMatrix[D])(implicit evidence$2: NDSpace[D]) extends MultivariateNormalDistributionLike[EuclideanVector[D], SquareMatrix[D]] with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 0.13.0) Please use MultivariateNormalDistribution instead. This class wil be removed in future versions.

Value Members

  1. object DiscreteGaussianProcess
  2. object DiscreteLowRankGaussianProcess extends Serializable
  3. object GaussianProcess

    Factory methods for creating Gaussian processes

  4. object GaussianProcess1D
  5. object GaussianProcess2D
  6. object GaussianProcess3D
  7. object LowRankGaussianProcess

    Factory methods for creating Low-rank gaussian processes, as well as generic algorithms to manipulate Gaussian processes.

  8. object MultivariateNormalDistribution extends Serializable
  9. object PointDistributionModel extends Serializable
  10. object PointDistributionModel1D
  11. object PointDistributionModel2D
  12. object PointDistributionModel3D
  13. object StatisticalMeshModel extends Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object NDimensionalNormalDistribution extends Serializable

    (Since version 0.13.0) Please use MultivariateNormalDistribution instead. This object wil be removed in future versions.
