package utils
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait Benchmark extends AnyRef
- trait CanConvertToVtk[D] extends AnyRef
- class Memoize[-T, +R] extends (T) => R
- trait Metric[A] extends AnyRef
represents a metric to be used with the Vantage Point tree
- class Random extends AnyRef
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound("""missing implicit Random
To fix the missing implicit either use:
import scalismo.utils.Random.implicits._
...or create a seeded random object:
import scalismo.utils.Random
implicit val rng = Random(1024L)""")
- sealed class Tupler[U, T] extends AnyRef
- sealed trait VantagePointTree[A] extends Iterable[A]
Recursive, immutable Vantage Point tree Partitions metric spaces for efficient neighbour searches Key concept: split a point set at a node into an inner and an outer set which satisfy:
Recursive, immutable Vantage Point tree Partitions metric spaces for efficient neighbour searches Key concept: split a point set at a node into an inner and an outer set which satisfy:
- inner: all points are closer to the pivot/center than the radius
- outer: all points are further away from the the pivot than radius
WARNING: the tree only works with a metric (positive, symmetric, triangle inequality)
Value Members
- object ArrayUtils
- object Benchmark
Utilility class to quickly determine how long certain operations take.
Utilility class to quickly determine how long certain operations take. Example: val i = calculate(something) becomes val i = benchmark(calculate(something))
Available to call statically (Benchmark.benchmark) or as a mixin trait, for convenience.
- object CanConvertToVtk
- object CommonConversions
- object ImageConversion
- object Memoize
- object MeshConversion
- object Metric
- object Random
- object TetrahedralMeshConversion
- object Tupler
- object VantagePointTree
- object VtkHelpers