
package utils

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait Benchmark extends AnyRef
  2. trait CanConvertToVtk[D] extends AnyRef
  3. class Memoize[-T, +R] extends (T) => R
  4. trait Metric[A] extends AnyRef

    represents a metric to be used with the Vantage Point tree

  5. class Random extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound("""missing implicit Random
    To fix the missing implicit either use:
    import scalismo.utils.Random.implicits._
    ...or create a seeded random object:
    import scalismo.utils.Random
    implicit val rng = Random(1024L)"""
  6. sealed class Tupler[U, T] extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait VantagePointTree[A] extends Iterable[A]

    Recursive, immutable Vantage Point tree Partitions metric spaces for efficient neighbour searches Key concept: split a point set at a node into an inner and an outer set which satisfy:

    Recursive, immutable Vantage Point tree Partitions metric spaces for efficient neighbour searches Key concept: split a point set at a node into an inner and an outer set which satisfy:

    • inner: all points are closer to the pivot/center than the radius
    • outer: all points are further away from the the pivot than radius

    WARNING: the tree only works with a metric (positive, symmetric, triangle inequality)

Value Members

  1. object ArrayUtils
  2. object Benchmark

    Utilility class to quickly determine how long certain operations take.

    Utilility class to quickly determine how long certain operations take. Example: val i = calculate(something) becomes val i = benchmark(calculate(something))

    Available to call statically (Benchmark.benchmark) or as a mixin trait, for convenience.

  3. object CanConvertToVtk
  4. object CommonConversions
  5. object ImageConversion
  6. object Memoize
  7. object MeshConversion
  8. object Metric
  9. object Random
  10. object TetrahedralMeshConversion
  11. object Tupler
  12. object VantagePointTree
  13. object VtkHelpers
