
package mesh

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package boundingSpheres
  2. package kdtree

Type Members

  1. case class BarycentricCoordinates(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles

  2. case class BarycentricCoordinates4(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double, d: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    barycentric coordinates for localization within a tetrahedron

  3. case class ConstantProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, value: A) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable

    constant property value on complete surface

  4. case class ContourPointProperty[A](topology: LineList, pointData: IndexedSeq[A])(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]) extends LineContourProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class LineCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable

    Represents a line segment defined by two points.

  6. trait LineContourProperty[A] extends AnyRef

    Created by marcel on 15.09.15.

  7. case class LineCoordinates(a: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  8. final case class LineId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  9. case class LineList(lines: IndexedSeq[LineCell]) extends Product with Serializable

    A list of lines that make up a poly line

  10. trait LineMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]
  11. case class LineMesh2D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], topology: LineList) extends LineMesh[_2D] with Product with Serializable
  12. case class LineMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], topology: LineList) extends LineMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable
  13. case class LineProperty[A](topology: LineList, lineData: IndexedSeq[A]) extends LineContourProperty[A] with Product with Serializable

    property constant per line

  14. case class MappedContourProperty[A, B](values: LineContourProperty[A], f: (A) => B) extends LineContourProperty[B] with Product with Serializable

    function indirection for contour access

  15. case class MappedSurfaceProperty[A, B](values: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], f: (A) => B) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[B] with Product with Serializable

    function indirection for surface access

  16. trait MeshBoundaryPredicates extends AnyRef

    MeshBoundary is a property to test if points or an edge between two points is on the boundary of the mesh.

  17. class MeshCompactifier extends MeshManipulation

    compact a mesh: remove unreferenced points and triangles with invalid points, also respects external filters for points and triangles

  18. trait MeshManipulation extends AnyRef

    a general operation on mesh, can also alter surface properties

  19. trait MeshSurfaceCorrespondence extends MeshSurfaceProperty[(TriangleId, BarycentricCoordinates)]

    express correspondence of a triangulated surface to another triangulation, maps points on this surface to target surface

  20. trait MeshSurfaceProperty[A] extends AnyRef

    general property defined on the surface of a mesh accessible through the parameterization given by the triangulation of the mesh: TriangleId and BarycentricCoordinates inside the triangle

  21. case class SurfacePointProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, pointData: IndexedSeq[A])(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable

    property defined per vertex, with interpolation

  22. case class TetrahedralCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId, ptId3: PointId, ptId4: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable

    Represents a tetrahedron as a ordered list of four point ids.

  23. case class TetrahedralList(tetrahedrons: IndexedSeq[TetrahedralCell]) extends Product with Serializable

    List of tetrahedrons used to define the tetrahedralization in the TetrahedralMesh.

  24. trait TetrahedralMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]

    Represents a tetrahedral mesh.

  25. case class TetrahedralMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], tetrahedralization: TetrahedralList) extends TetrahedralMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable
  26. class TetrahedralMesh3DOperations extends AnyRef
  27. trait TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates

    The TetrahedralMeshBoundary can be queried if a tetrahedron has one side in common with the mesh surface.

  28. final case class TetrahedronId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  29. case class TriangleCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId, ptId3: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable

    Triangle cell in a triangle mesh.

    Triangle cell in a triangle mesh. The cell relates 3 points with the given identifiers

  30. final case class TriangleId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  31. case class TriangleList(triangles: IndexedSeq[TriangleCell]) extends Product with Serializable

    express a triangulation, contains only triangle information, no points

  32. trait TriangleMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]
  33. case class TriangleMesh2D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], triangulation: TriangleList) extends TriangleMesh[_2D] with Product with Serializable
  34. case class TriangleMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], triangulation: TriangleList) extends TriangleMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable

    Standard 3D Gravis mesh, geometry only

  35. class TriangleMesh3DOperations extends AnyRef
  36. case class TriangleProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, triangleData: IndexedSeq[A]) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable

    property constant per triangle, no interpolation

  37. trait TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates

    The TriangularMeshBoundary can be queried if a triangle has one side in common with the mesh boundary.

  38. case class VertexColorMesh3D(shape: TriangleMesh3D, color: SurfacePointProperty[RGBA]) extends Product with Serializable

    colored mesh with RGBA color per vertex

    colored mesh with RGBA color per vertex




    color of mesh surface, per point

  39. case class WarpedMeshSurfaceProperty[A](underlyingProperty: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], correspondence: MeshSurfaceCorrespondence) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable

    use a target surface property through a surface correspondence Each lookup on this surface returns the property at the corresponding point of the underlying surface

    use a target surface property through a surface correspondence Each lookup on this surface returns the property at the corresponding point of the underlying surface


    type of property


    surface property on target surface (underlying)


    surface correspondence field mapping points in this triangulation to underlying triangulation

Value Members

  1. object BarycentricCoordinates extends Serializable

    barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles

  2. object BarycentricCoordinates4 extends Serializable

    barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles

  3. object ContourPointProperty extends Serializable
  4. object LineCoordinates extends Serializable
  5. object LineId extends Serializable
  6. object LineList extends Serializable
  7. object LineMesh
  8. object Mesh

    Defines utility functions on TriangleMesh instances

  9. object MeshBoundaryPredicates

    Factory for mesh boundaries.

  10. object MeshCompactifier
  11. object MeshMetrics

    Implements utility methods for evaluating similarity of TriangleMesh instances

  12. object MeshOperations
  13. object ScalarVolumeMeshField
  14. object SurfacePointProperty extends Serializable
  15. object TetrahedralList extends Serializable
  16. object TetrahedralMesh
  17. object TetrahedralMesh3D extends Serializable
  18. object TetrahedronId extends Serializable
  19. object TriangleId extends Serializable
  20. object TriangleList extends Serializable
  21. object TriangleMesh
  22. object TriangleMesh3D extends Serializable
  23. object TriangleProperty extends Serializable
