package mesh
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Package Members
- package boundingSpheres
- package kdtree
Type Members
- case class BarycentricCoordinates(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) extends Product with Serializable
barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles
- case class BarycentricCoordinates4(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double, d: Double) extends Product with Serializable
barycentric coordinates for localization within a tetrahedron
- case class ConstantProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, value: A) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
constant property value on complete surface
- case class ContourPointProperty[A](topology: LineList, pointData: IndexedSeq[A])(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]) extends LineContourProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
- case class LineCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable
Represents a line segment defined by two points.
- trait LineContourProperty[A] extends AnyRef
Created by marcel on 15.09.15.
- case class LineCoordinates(a: Double) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class LineId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- case class LineList(lines: IndexedSeq[LineCell]) extends Product with Serializable
A list of lines that make up a poly line
- trait LineMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]
- case class LineMesh2D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], topology: LineList) extends LineMesh[_2D] with Product with Serializable
- case class LineMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], topology: LineList) extends LineMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable
- case class LineProperty[A](topology: LineList, lineData: IndexedSeq[A]) extends LineContourProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
property constant per line
- case class MappedContourProperty[A, B](values: LineContourProperty[A], f: (A) => B) extends LineContourProperty[B] with Product with Serializable
function indirection for contour access
- case class MappedSurfaceProperty[A, B](values: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], f: (A) => B) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[B] with Product with Serializable
function indirection for surface access
- trait MeshBoundaryPredicates extends AnyRef
MeshBoundary is a property to test if points or an edge between two points is on the boundary of the mesh.
- class MeshCompactifier extends MeshManipulation
compact a mesh: remove unreferenced points and triangles with invalid points, also respects external filters for points and triangles
- trait MeshManipulation extends AnyRef
a general operation on mesh, can also alter surface properties
- trait MeshSurfaceCorrespondence extends MeshSurfaceProperty[(TriangleId, BarycentricCoordinates)]
express correspondence of a triangulated surface to another triangulation, maps points on this surface to target surface
- trait MeshSurfaceProperty[A] extends AnyRef
general property defined on the surface of a mesh accessible through the parameterization given by the triangulation of the mesh: TriangleId and BarycentricCoordinates inside the triangle
- case class SurfacePointProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, pointData: IndexedSeq[A])(implicit interpolator: ValueInterpolator[A]) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
property defined per vertex, with interpolation
- case class TetrahedralCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId, ptId3: PointId, ptId4: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable
Represents a tetrahedron as a ordered list of four point ids.
- case class TetrahedralList(tetrahedrons: IndexedSeq[TetrahedralCell]) extends Product with Serializable
List of tetrahedrons used to define the tetrahedralization in the TetrahedralMesh.
- trait TetrahedralMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]
Represents a tetrahedral mesh.
- case class TetrahedralMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], tetrahedralization: TetrahedralList) extends TetrahedralMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable
- class TetrahedralMesh3DOperations extends AnyRef
- trait TetrahedralMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates
The TetrahedralMeshBoundary can be queried if a tetrahedron has one side in common with the mesh surface.
- final case class TetrahedronId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- case class TriangleCell(ptId1: PointId, ptId2: PointId, ptId3: PointId) extends Cell with Product with Serializable
Triangle cell in a triangle mesh.
Triangle cell in a triangle mesh. The cell relates 3 points with the given identifiers
- final case class TriangleId(id: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- case class TriangleList(triangles: IndexedSeq[TriangleCell]) extends Product with Serializable
express a triangulation, contains only triangle information, no points
- trait TriangleMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]
- case class TriangleMesh2D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_2D], triangulation: TriangleList) extends TriangleMesh[_2D] with Product with Serializable
- case class TriangleMesh3D(pointSet: UnstructuredPoints[_3D], triangulation: TriangleList) extends TriangleMesh[_3D] with Product with Serializable
Standard 3D Gravis mesh, geometry only
- class TriangleMesh3DOperations extends AnyRef
- case class TriangleProperty[A](triangulation: TriangleList, triangleData: IndexedSeq[A]) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
property constant per triangle, no interpolation
- trait TriangularMeshBoundaryPredicates extends MeshBoundaryPredicates
The TriangularMeshBoundary can be queried if a triangle has one side in common with the mesh boundary.
- case class VertexColorMesh3D(shape: TriangleMesh3D, color: SurfacePointProperty[RGBA]) extends Product with Serializable
colored mesh with RGBA color per vertex
colored mesh with RGBA color per vertex
- shape
- color
color of mesh surface, per point
- case class WarpedMeshSurfaceProperty[A](underlyingProperty: MeshSurfaceProperty[A], correspondence: MeshSurfaceCorrespondence) extends MeshSurfaceProperty[A] with Product with Serializable
use a target surface property through a surface correspondence Each lookup on this surface returns the property at the corresponding point of the underlying surface
use a target surface property through a surface correspondence Each lookup on this surface returns the property at the corresponding point of the underlying surface
- A
type of property
- underlyingProperty
surface property on target surface (underlying)
- correspondence
surface correspondence field mapping points in this triangulation to underlying triangulation
Value Members
- object BarycentricCoordinates extends Serializable
barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles
- object BarycentricCoordinates4 extends Serializable
barycentric coordinates: localization within triangles
- object ContourPointProperty extends Serializable
- object LineCoordinates extends Serializable
- object LineId extends Serializable
- object LineList extends Serializable
- object LineMesh
- object Mesh
Defines utility functions on TriangleMesh instances
- object MeshBoundaryPredicates
Factory for mesh boundaries.
- object MeshCompactifier
- object MeshMetrics
Implements utility methods for evaluating similarity of TriangleMesh instances
- object MeshOperations
- object ScalarVolumeMeshField
- object SurfacePointProperty extends Serializable
- object TetrahedralList extends Serializable
- object TetrahedralMesh
- object TetrahedralMesh3D extends Serializable
- object TetrahedronId extends Serializable
- object TriangleId extends Serializable
- object TriangleList extends Serializable
- object TriangleMesh
- object TriangleMesh3D extends Serializable
- object TriangleProperty extends Serializable